Many world wide oppose fracking
Many people in the UK, the USA, France, Germany and the rest of the world are waking up to the fraking disaster. Everywhere you go on the planet you find folks objecting to fracking.
The People of the UK are fighting to stop fracking in many places with great success.
Citizens in the USA oppose fracking
Protesters take to the streets in the US state of New York.
France banned fracking forever!
France’s constitutional court has upheld a ban on hydraulic fracturing, permanently baring the fracking business based on environmental grounds.
German government agrees to ban fracking too!
German protesters have gained government agreement to ban fracking.
Activists from 26 countries participated in around 250 protests on Saturday to demonstrate against fracking technologies, which they say contaminate groundwater and hasten climate change.
Here in Bucharest.
Here in Canada.
Everywhere they want to frack we are there. Why? Because we want a world safe from pollution in our water.
Renewable energy now to save our planet
We do this because we want to ride the roller coaster with our children.
We do this because we like safe and stable ground to build our houses.
We need to own our means of energy production and end the greed
We do this because we are not greedy corporate profiteers.
Now Are you Fracked Off ? Very Good. Time to:
Write to your local council.
Write to your Congressman or Senator.