The last posting was all about fracking and how David Cameron is selling your environmental future to give away fracking rights. In the last post we looked at who will pay the cost of cleaning up any environmental disaster that occurs due to fracking: YOU!
So what is the alternative? Hydrogen of course. There have been many discussions about Hydrogen powered cars in the news for several years now. The fuel cell uses Hydrogen to make electricity which runs the car. This is the same technology that powered the Apollo missions to the Moon. Astronauts used the only two byproducts of this electricity generator – Fuelcell – to heat their cabin and drink the waste product, Water!
So instead of fracking for more natural gas or methane we can create the fuel for the future today. Hydrogen is normally produced in a petrochemical plant. Big Oil would dearly love to keep it that way. However, New methods of creating Hydrogen are available now that are clean green and use renewable energy.
One of the biggest drawbacks to wind and solar has always been the lack of sun, or wind. Another big drawback to wind and solar is that they produce too much when we don’t need the electricity. In Germany a hydrogen plant is being used to store excess energy created by renewable generators like wind and solar.
Governments are starting to see the benefit of promoting hydrogen. If David Cameron was working for the people he would be pushing these technologies. Cameron works for BIG OIL so he does what they want. Cameron works for BIG Electric companies so he does what they want.
So our environment continues to suffer. Our chance to switch to renewable energy now takes another step back. Feed in tariff cuts, new nuclear power plants, a reduction of support for wind energy, tax breaks and government sponsored cleanups of fracking pollution: Are you seeing the pattern here folks?
Hydrogen is the future, tell your MP to support it now please. The link will take you straight to a site that will help you send an email to your MP in just a few munites.