Enter your postcode – stop Fracking
From wrongmove site:
Stop fracking now. It is unlawful for fracking companies to drill under your home without your permission. Search your postcode and join the legal block today to protect your home and community from fracking.
Just click here and enter your post code. The rest is easy!
You can stop fracking under your home now!
Every person who signs up to this postcode list will help reduce the space where fracking can occur. There have been many protests around the world about fracking. Here in the UK people have actually glued themselves to fracking sites to block frackers. This is the quickest way I have Found to express your displeasure about fracking. Of course you can always write to your MP!
During my explorations of the vast data on the net regarding fracking, I found this excellent resource. fracktracker may help you to further your cause in the USA. UK readers can help this website to start mapping in the UK too. They need the raw data about where fracking is happening in the UK. Can you help?
You know that France Banned Fracking forever!
I wrote about the insanity of David Cameron allowing Total, the French oil giant, to frack in the UK. Total has been barred from ever fracking in France. Why you ask? Simple, French people care enough about their environment and the produce they create on the land to stop fracking forever.
Lets do the same here! Sign up to the postcode list on wrongmove.
We can add the UK to a growing list of places around the world that have already BANNED Fracking.
Artists against fracking – we need your now! Join a list of artists against fracking.
Write to your representative NOW! Write to your MP Write to your local council Write to your Senator or Congressman Write to your party representative in BeijingSend this blog link to your friends and get them to join in the FUN!