Cumbria County Council rejects plans for radioactive waste dump

Energy Companies, NO HINKLEY C, Nuclear Disaster

The largest problem with nuclear power is that it produces waste products that need to be stored for hundreds or thousands of years in a safe environment. It must be stored in containers that will not leak for hundreds or thousands of years. The political and social changes that occur over these time spans is immense. Finding a way to warn the future generations about this stored waste is at the top of the list of problems facing any government trying to find a storage location. Security of the stored waste is also a problem as this waste has the potential to destroy all life on earth if released into the environment.

This radioactive waste is presenting a big problem for the energy industry. The government of the UK is happy to let nuclear power plants store this dangerous waste on their plant sites until a better location for storage is created. The problem is that no one wants this waste stored in their back yard

Here is an excellent article and a gold mine of information on why we don’t want any new nuclear plants in the UK.


In January 2013 the Government’s plans to undertake preliminary work on an underground radioactive waste dump were rejected by Cumbria County Council. The county and its western district councils Allerdale and Copeland were the only local authorities in the UK still involved in feasibility studies for a £12bn disposal facility.

Write your MP now and tell them not to waste money on more nuclear power!