Eco-cities of the Future

Environment and Climate, Solar, Wind Energy

How’s your city’s eco-status?

Eco-cities are urban areas which are sustainable and environmentally friendly. You don’t have to live in a hippy commune to minimise your impact on the planet. With a growing world population, modern cities are adapting to be more eco-friendly.

Since 2009, the number of people living in urban areas has exceeded the number in rural areas . This means that to improve the sustainability of our planet, we need to plan and develop our cities in a way which minimises energy use, waste and emissions.

If you want to find out the world’s current human population, check out this link to see how it fluctuates.

In order to combat the issues caused by a massive growth in population, many cities have aimed to improve their sustainability. Some even aim for the ‘Eco-city’ status.

What are Eco-cities?

Factors influencing sustainable life- from International Eco-city Framework and Standards

Factors influencing sustainable life- from International Eco-city Framework and Standards

According to the International Ecocity Framework and Standards, “An Ecocity is a human settlement modeled on the self-sustaining resilient structure and function of natural ecosystems.”

This means that it provides for the people living there, without consuming more resources than it replaces. It also reduces waste and it recycles when possible.



Some examples of exciting urban developments:

Curitaba- A functioning eco-city

Curitaba– A functioning eco-city



Curitiba in Brazil has become famous for its sustainable transport and low waste levels.



ReGen Villages:regen villages

ReGen villages in the Netherlands aim to tackle the lack of resources and growing human population by providing a more sustainable living environment. How? ReGen villages plan to provide homes running on renewable energy, sustainable water management, and waste-to-resource systems (Biofuels). The idea is to create a place where families can live happily and with a low environmental impact.

Masdar City:

Masdar City  in the United Arab Emirates is now an established community where people are living and working. The development is based around the idea of sustainability and encouraging business and education in the renewable sector to grow together. Masdar focuses on energy-efficient buildings and has become internationally known for its green technology.


Tianjin Eco-City is the result of a collaborative agreement between the governments of China and Singapore. It aims to achieve the “Three Harmonies”; social harmony, economic vibrancy and environmental sustainability.


Tianjin eco-city, from BBC news.








Has your city gone eco yet? Visit the crowdmap to see which cities have a sustainable future.