For longer than I have been walking the planet we have had the ability to make anything we want. In the first ten years of my life we went from no space program to man walking on the moon. The same companies that built the US Space Program were busy building other things. We used these companies to build weapons that were destroying a nation state and a people in the name of democracy. This proves that there are good and bad applications for our skills.
Now we have the ability to tap into an endless source of energy that can provide all the power we need for the entire planet. It is called the Sun. There were companies that employed many British people and payed a fair share of taxes. They are no more. Sharp is yet another company to quit the solar industry because of a lack of support from the UK government.
Maybe it is time we committed to making some changes in the way we design and build our world. Time is running out.
Maybe we should start supporting Hydrogen cars.
Perhaps we should invest in Storage for Excess Power.
Creating energy with the sun can help us turn pollutants like CO2 in to Methane or e-Gas.
We can end our dependency on fossil fuels and the Big 6 energy suppliers by creating a revolution of Solar energy for rooftops.
Write your MP now and tell them this is what you want.